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Tool 3: (Re) integration Frameworks

Submitted by pcontramaestre on
Tool 3: (Re) integration Frameworks

With a view to outlining public policies on (re)integration, the migration governance environment in the country must be explored to determine its effectiveness and promote the socio-economic well-being of migrants, returning migrants, and society at large. To this end, this tool offers the institutional and regulatory frameworks (international and regional) relevant to return and reintegration so that you can identify whether they have been adopted in national public policies at the different levels.

When should this tool be used?

It can be used in the diagnostic or design phase. It supplements the analysis carried out in Tool 1: Situation AnalysisTool 4: Stakeholder Analysis and Tool 5: Consistency and Coordination.

How should this tool be used?

Users can review the checklist of the most important international and regional institutional and regulatory frameworks for (re)integration and check whether these are a part of their country’s migration governance, if the current framework addresses the needs of migrants or returning migrants and reflect on compliance therewith. This will allow to identify gaps that may require further attention during a design phase.

Initiatives and commitments
Have the Sustainable Development Goals been established as a reference framework in migration governance?
Have commitments on (re)integration been adopted in line with the objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration?
See: Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and Global Compact on Refugees
Regional consultation processes
Has the country joined any regional consultation process, such as the Quito process or the South American Conference on Migration?
Has the country adopted the strategies and good practices proposed in the technical meetings of the Quito process or the South American Conference on Migration?
International and regional regulatory framework
Has the country ratified the relevant international and regional human rights conventions?
Has it ratified the international labour law conventions concerning migrants?
Do public policies and national legislation comply with these international frameworks and commitments?
Bilateral and regional agreements
Are there bilateral or multilateral agreements to facilitate migration?
Is the protection of and full respect for the rights of migrants and returnees guaranteed within the framework of these agreements?

If (re)integration frameworks for migrants and returning migrants are not included in public policies, assess the possibilities of introducing them. Consider your country’s context (See: Tool 1: Situation Analysis) to verify if there are opportunities to include the importance of the (re)integration of migrants and returnees on the agenda.

A useful resource to guide this analysis are the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI), which take stock of the different countries’ migration policies and strategies, including all South American nations.

Good Practices

Brazil has a platform called MigraCiudades: Improving Local Migration Governance in Brazil, with the aim of contributing to the construction and management of migration policies in a qualified and planned manner, in line with United Nations SDG 10.7.

It seeks to train local stakeholders, promote dialogue on migration issues, certify the commitment of governments to improve migration governance, and provide visibility to good practices identified in Brazilian states and municipalities throughout the certification process.

See: OIM (2022), Governança migratória local: ferramentas e métodos.