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III. Global Compact on Refugees

Submitted by pcontramaestre on
III. Global Compact on Refugees

The Global Compact on Refugees aims at putting the principle of shared responsibility into practice and at mobilizing the international community to improve the response for refugees.

Tabs Marco 3

  • Strengthen good practices in resettlement programmes, such as investing in robust reception and integration services for resettled refugees, particularly women and girls at risk (para. 92).
  • Local integration measures, such as financial and technical support from the international community to ensure successful local integration in a manner that takes into account the needs of both refugees and host communities. (paragraphs 97- 99).
  • Support the countries of origin upon their request with respect to the social, political, economic and legal capacity to receive and reintegrate returnees, notably women, youth, children, older persons and persons with disabilities (para. 89).