Social inclusion:
The consistent process of improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity of people who are disadvantaged because of their identity, to take part in society.
Irregular migration:
Movement of persons that takes place outside the laws, regulations, or international agreements governing the entry into or exit from the State of origin, transit or destination.
IOM/IPL Migrant Integration Index:
: The Index is based on a multi-dimensional understanding of integration looking at the psychological, navigational, economic, social, linguistic, and political knowledge and capacities of migrants to establish themselves in their new communities.
The two-way process of mutual adaptation between migrants and the societies in which they live, whereby migrants are incorporated into the social, economic, cultural and political life of the receiving community. It entails a set of joint responsibilities for migrants and communities and incorporates other related notions such as social inclusion and social cohesion. Reintegration is defined as the process allowing persons to reestablish economic, social, and psychosocial bonds, necessary to fend for themselves and preserve their livelihoods, dignity and inclusion in citizen life.
From the perspective of the country of arrival, the act of moving into a country other than one’s country of nationality or usual residence, so that the country of destination effectively becomes his or her new country of usual residence.
Gender mainstreaming:
A strategy to assess the implications of gender in all interventions, including policies, programmes or legislation, ensuring that gender concerns and experiences are comprehensively considered in the design, formulation, implementation, analysis and monitoring of interventions.