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Submitted by pcontramaestre on

Social Cohesion:

While there is no one universal definition, social cohesion is usually associated with such notions as “solidarity”, “togetherness”, “tolerance” and “harmonious co-existence” and refers to a social order in a specific society or community based on a common vision and a sense of belonging to said community; where the diversity of people’s different backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and positively valued; those from different backgrounds have similar life opportunities; and strong and positive relationships are being developed between people from different backgrounds in the workplace, in schools and within neighbourhoods.

Country of transit:

In the migration context, the country through which a person or a group of persons pass on any journey to the country of destination or from the country of destination to the country of origin or the country of habitual residence.

Country of origin:

In the migration context, a country of nationality or of former habitual residence of a person or group of persons who have migrated abroad, irrespective of whether they migrate regularly or irregularly.

Country of destination:

In the migration context, a country that is the destination for a person or a group of persons, irrespective of whether they migrate regularly or irregularly.

Coordination (public policies):

Capacity of two or more institutions to perform tasks in a joint and coordinated manner to achieve the same goal.

Consistency (public policies):

Degree of logical matching among the different levels of a public policy’s intervention, from the justification of the policy through to the different intervention units that implement these principles and bases.